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Online study a perfect fit for IT students

Online examination an ideal fit for IT understudies Online examination an ideal fit for IT studentsPosted February 15, 2012, by Mike Kerm...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Marine Corps Gas Chamber Training

Marine Corps Gas Chamber TrainingMarine Corps Gas Chamber TrainingBy Lance Cpl. Justin J. Shemanski As part of their Marine Corps training, new recruits are given real timein a gas chamber, to teach themhow to use a gas mask under extreme conditions. In the classroom, the recruits are educated on how to use a gas mask and how it can save their lives on the battlefield if used properly. During the third week of training, they get to experience what it would be like to be under gas attack. Non-Lethal Gas in the Marines Gas Chamber Training The gas used in the Gas Chamber is chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS Gas, a non-lethal substance that is used in all branches of the military and police departments as a riot control agent. Each recruit spends approximately 3-5 minutes in the chamber, depending on how well they cooperate. Breathing Exercisesin the Marines Gas Chamber Training The recruits enter the gas chamber with their masks donned and clear, but once the doors are sea led, the masks come off. For their first exercise, they have to break the seal of their mask, which will allow them to breathe in a little of the gas, but just as the tearing eyes and the coughing sets in, they are instructed to put their masks back on. The next step is to break the seal again, but only this time, they will set the mask on top of their heads. At this point, some of the recruits may begin to feel a sense of panic. Theireyes are now full of tears and the coughing gets worse because the gas is in their lungs. Removing the Masks in the Marines Gas Chamber Training The gas also burns the skin a little too, similar to a sunburn. Some of the recruits may refuse to take off their masks because they see the other recruits reaction to the gas and they fear that they will not be able to put their mask back on again. However, they will not be able to leave the smoke-filled room until they complete the exercise. Once their masks are donned and cleared for the second time, th ey must then remove their masks completely and hold them straight out in front of them, but by this time, most of the recruits have a little more faith in their masks. They know that the faster they take them off, the quicker they will be able to put the masks back on and be able to breathe again. Leaving the Marines Gas Chamber Once this step is completed, they file out of the gas chamber with arms spread out to their sides. Their eyes water like they just stepped out of a shower, and they continue coughing until their lungs are clear. This frightening but necessary training routine emphasizes the importance of wearing a gas mask when ordered and gives Marines confidence that the masks will protect them. Its an exercise repeated as part of Marines annual training.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Write Unique Resumes and Cover Letters

How to Write Unique Resumes and Cover LettersHow to Write Unique Resumes and Cover Letters56Tips to help you write unique resumes and titelbild lettersCheck for Specific InstructionsNot all companies do this, but there may be pertinent information that a recruiter wants right off the bat. Read the job posting carefully to see instructions on how to apply and include all requested information in your cover letter. Not addressing behauptung requests is a fast way to make it to the no thanks pile.Connect the DotsIf you are looking to make a shift in your career, its important to very clearly illustrate in your cover letter how your skill set transfers to the job you are applying for. Most recruiters simply do not have the time to make that connection. More importantly, it shows an awareness that your background isnt an obvious fit, but that you are making an intentional choice to make the change.State the WhyBe very clear about your motivation for applying. Do you love the companys prod uct? Is their culture a great fit for you? Is this your dream job? An easy way to make an impression is to make it clear that you are putting effort into getting THIS job.Integrate KeywordsNo one wants to rewrite a resume for every job. Thankfully, its not necessary. However, it is a good idea to boost your resume (and cover letter) with keywords that appear in the job post. It is important to use them in a way that makes sense, so dont just drop them in without thinking it through.Summarize Your QualificationsAn easy way to change up your resume to reflect the specific job is to have a Summary of Qualifications section near the top. This is a great way to explain why you are qualified for the position you are applying to. Feel free to use a keyword or two, but dont go overboard with them here. You are better off using keywords throughout your resume.Match Your ObjectivePlease, for the sake of the sanity of recruiters everywhere, if you are applying for a marketing job, dont submit a resume with a career objective that talks about working in the medical field. If you have an objective on your resume, make sure it matches the position you are applying for. You might consider keeping several versions of your resume on hand and choose the one that needs the least amount of tweaking for each job.None of these tips are guaranteed to land you the job of your dreams. They will, however, help you move past the pre-screening phase and get your application more than a cursory glance. It may slow your pace on how many applications you are able to submit, but quality over quantity is a much more solid strategy in the end.Readers, do you make the effort to write unique resumes and cover letters? If so, what other tips would you give?

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The true reason Musk, Bezos, and Branson are obsessed with space

The true reason Musk, Bezos, and Branson are obsessed with spaceThe true reason Musk, Bezos, and Branson are obsessed with spaceCosmology, more than any other curiosity profits from mystery.For those of us that became pseudo-intellectual headaches the week we finished Carl Sagans Cosmos, the less we actually understood about the pedagogical gamechanger the more hypnotic the content became. For the true experts, astronomy is governed by the opposite tack that theology is. Theology is all about the final word Heres what happened and death to anyone that suggests otherwise. Astronomers, on the other hand, salivate at the smell of contradiction Heres what we think happened, but we encourage the contrary view. Lastly, you have the wealthy-intellectual elite. To these, the other end of the telescope receives an unconquered sea, alight with star-spangled currency. Cracking NASAs interstellar monopoly wide open, theyve been dyeing their cosmic flags for almost two decades now. The USS Branso n has been tweaking for a galactic voyage since 2004. People want to go to space, people should go to space, because they come back changed. The English VirginGroup founder once remarked in reference to the launch of his Space Tourism enterprise. But alas, to put it in the words of the lion maned magnate himself, Space is hard.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe Space Race IIBranson celebrated 69 at NASAs Kennedy Space Centerover the weekend, during a blowout conducted in honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Alongside certified NASA members, the event welcomed the attendance of the 100 aspiring astronauts that have already invested in the Virgin Galacticsinterstellar voyage. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrins iconic touch down on lunar soil is forever embedded in Branons psyche. Upon reflection, he believes Apollo 11 to be the true inspiration behind the Virgin Galac tic.Elon Musk, the living breathing mascot for prophetic space jargon, recently occasioned the moon landing as the single most inspiring event in history. This makes sense given everything we know about the personality of Musks legacy and the aim of his detractors, both drawing from the same well. The moon landing, in a single bound, made fools of all those that took John F. Kennedys declaration for granted just eight years prior, established a nation of insatiable pioneers, introduced the previously inconceivable potential of celestial conquest, all the while reshaping the pop culture landscape as we know it. What could make the eccentric South African engineer more satisfied than being able to make gadflies eat their aspersions, justify his lofty investments, revolutionize commerce and be the current that effectively energizes a new age?If any of this is gonna happen in our lifetime, I would forgive you for preemptively declaring Musk to be the first cosmic Viking to light his ves sel upon empyrean shores. Jeff Bezos recently waxed poetic about his very own space colony, and so now we can fully illustrate the sterile board meeting approved sequel to the Space Race And this time its personal. Where the first go-round was staged between two cold war rivals, pitting capitalism and communism head to head, this iteration is platzdeckchen between a trio of billionaires committing to a missile measuring contest, the victor of which will be responsible for making science fiction an affordable, practical reality. To be fair, in this parallel universe wherein keeping up with the adventures ofadults in body stockings has become the most important thing in society, its kind of refreshing to watch pop culture aficionados with the actual brain and green power to furnish their niche obsessions duke it out.Its also fun that they each represent different shades of the geek rainbow. ElonMusk is the modern pot-smoking, Kanye West-loving, Douglas Adams reading, kid with the coo lest toys in the neighborhood kind of nerd. Richard Branson is a throwback die-hard Trekkie, ride the tyga,owns reptiles for sure and probably a katana, kind of nerd. And Bezos is thepracticed statistical analysis by designing a survey so students could rate their teachers, says films/pictures instead of movies, my watch updates itself from the atomic clock 36 six times a day, my spacesuit has a pocket protector kind of nerd.Bezos, Musk, and Branson represent a unique trio of billionaire space-cases only by reason of publicity. The truth is theres a strange but well-established correlationbetween inexhaustible wealth and the desire to champion worlds unknown. Aerospace companies like SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin are all behind schedule in their promise of redundant space access. Yet plutocrats eagerly wait in line to microdose on heaven.I think colonization attempts to defy that Rousseau maxim that has been needling the rich for nearly three centuries, namely the submiss ion that there are simply some things that money just cant buy. Its not the literal wisdom of the quote that tests the patience of the opulent but the implication that exceptional wealth can only be rewarded by the forfeit of a restful mind-or that one cant have all the money in the world, without the exceeding want for true meaning.But space tourism thinks cheaply of the adage enjoyed by men still bowled over by steam engines. If the promises of the three Flioneers prove prophetic, it means there is indeed a price on an indelible legacy. To be one of the first humans to colonize the Moon means you can pay your way into a history book, theres a tag on the children of the future saying Chad Sylverspoon in earnest, histrionic tones. This is doubly true for the trinity of would-be Space engineers mentioned above. Bezos, Musk, and Branson are in the business of impact, which utilizes currency that clears by the millennia.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tweezers to Study the Atmosphere

Tweezers to Study the Atmosphere Tweezers to Study the Atmosphere Tweezers to Study the AtmosphereFrozen clouds are more of a problem for the environment than the layperson might think. While liquid clouds have a net cooling effect on the environment, frozen clouds can have a dramatic warming effect.Doing his postdoctoral research at Colorado State University, Ryan Sullivan, now an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, saw a seminar from Jonathan Reid, of the University of Bristol, UK, who, he says, pioneered the technique of particle tweezers to isolate atmospheric particles and study them.I was amazed by the technique and what he could observe from behauptung particlesin terms of size and more, and use it to see how particles behave in the atmosphere and how they affect climate and our health, says Sullivan. I thought this would be strong for answering questions I had.The project he ultimately had in mind was creating aerosol optical tweezers, which could trap a single particle in a laser beam, in order to study contact freezing, specifically looking at how particles affect clouds freezing and how the morphology of particles evolve as they move through the atmosphere. This dynamic could mean the difference between a frozen cloud (more warming) and a liquid cloud (more cooling).Aerosol optical tweezers trap a single particle in a laser beam. Image Carnegie Mellon UniversityA supercool droplet doesnt freeze so it needs something to nucleate the freezing, he explains. To study contact freezing properly its hard because you have to study the collision between a droplet and a particle in real time. I thought tweezers would help in observing because it involves a trapping laser beam and introduces a vibrational spectrum from the droplet called a Raman spectrum. The whispering gallery mode is a surface feature telling you whats going on, on a surface of the droplet. If a particle comes into the droplet, it will quench that wave and we are provided with a unique real time observation of when particles hit the droplet. So, again, my idea was that the optical tweezers would be a unique way to directly measure contact freezing.Sullivan sent his proposal to the National Science Foundation, he says, and was funded, adding that Reid himself collaborated to help the team get the technique set up and help in interpreting the results.For the aerosol optical tweezers Sullivans team worked on, the parts had to work strongly in tandem. Its going through lenses and the final optic that goes through is a microscope objective that highly focuses the laser beam and you ultimately trap the particle, he says. So then we use a camera so we can look at the droplet to make sure the droplet is trapped. We collect the Raman spectrum using spectrographs.The lenses are used to expand the laser beam and it completely fills the back of the microscope objective. Its important to get the alignment just right because, he says, the desi re is for the laser beam to go exactly parallel up the axis of the microscope objective.For a cool optical tweezer, his team has experimented with different anti-ice coatings to put on chamber walls. One problem is the droplet wont freeze unless you give it a particle nucleant at -20 degrees Celsius. Were flowing moist air into the chamber to keep the droplet hydrated so it doesnt dry out and all that water is condensing and freezing on the walls and the ice layer that forms will start stealing water vapor away from the droplet. So weve been experimenting with anti-ice coatings that you can put on the inner chamber walls and that has allowed us to achieve higher levels of water and ice supersaturation. We can now operate the instrument under ice supersaturated conditions, which is also quite difficult.Sullivan says its a process that requires patience but hes excited to see what the work could reveal about our environment. The environment is an area that needs as much focus as ever, he says.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion To study contact freezing properly, its hard because you have to study the collision between a droplet and a particle in real time. I thought tweezers would help.Prof. Ryan Sullivan, Carnegie Mellon University

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Top 10 Jobs Hiring in California

The Top 10 Jobs Hiring in CaliforniaThe Top 10 Jobs Hiring in CaliforniaThinking of moving to the West Coast? Dreaming of that perfect San Diego weather? Or, perhaps you already live in California and need to find work. You can earn a comfortable (or lucrative) living by pursuing one of unterstellung jobs in California. Each of these fields is advertising new openings in the Golden State. Find the perfect career today Healthcare AdministrationIf you have a bachelor or masters degree in healthcare administration, or a nursing degree + a BBA or MBA, you may be able to work in the administration side of healthcare in California. You will probably at least need some experience, or youll start out at the entry-level pay of approximately $44,000 a year. However, if you have several years of experience (or more education), you can make around $130,000. Jobs in this field include titles such as business office manager, grant director, healthcare program administrator, or the director of a nu rsing home.Healthcare Administration Jobs in California Registered NurseAre you a natural caretaker? You could earn a range of $68,000 $140,000 per year as a registered nurse in California. You dont need previous work experience or an internship, but you do need at least an associates degree in nursing. A bachelors degree may be preferred or required for some jobs. From hospital to vocational nursing, to public health, the career opportunity for you is waiting in CaliforniaRegistered Nurse Jobs in California Customer Service RepresentativeWith a high school diploma and some short-term on-the-job training, you could become a customer service representative. In California, youll earn about $28,000 to $60,000 per year by helping customers These positions involve extensive customer interactions, so you should like both people and problem-solvingCustomer Service Representative Jobs in California Administrative Support WorkersIf you are highly organized and have a keen eye for detail, th is may be the career for you In California, Administrative Support Workers earn around $31,000 to $76,000 per year, depending on role and experience. Youll manage calendars, work for executives, and keep the office running smoothly. Your betreuung is essential to daily operationsAdministrative Support Jobs in California Debt NegotiatorThis is the perfect job for an extroverted go-getter who loves to solve problems As a debt negotiator in California, youll earn $36,000 to $51,000 per year. You need to have good judgment, a flexible personality, computer savvy, and people skills.Debt Negotiator Jobs in California Sales RepresentativeSales representatives can earn a wide range of salaries, based on experience and talent for turning leads into buyers. The salary range is pretty wide the low end is $51,000, and the jobs advertised offer up to about $170,000 (or more) for the most experienced ( successful) sellers. Degrees may be helpful, but not required, and you may have to travel on a part-time or regular basis. If you can sell anything to anyone, this may be the career for youSales Representative Jobs in California Operations ManagersWith an associates degree or bachelors in management and one to five years of experience you could become a general or operations manager. They earn about $53,000 to $130,000 per year managing workers in California. Youll need experience building and leading teams, completing complex projects, working with large data sets, and managing people. There a variety of industries hiring operations managers right nowOperations Manager Jobs in California Elementary School TeacherTeachers can earn $39,000 to $89,000 per year in California. If youre new to the field, you must at least have a bachelors degree and have completed your student teaching experience (internship). Entry level teachers earn less, and seasoned teachers earn more. There are also careers for Special Education and Montessori teachers, and for those who want to work in a supervisory role. Many positions are available for educators who want to instill a love of learning in California studentsElementary School Teacher Jobs in California Truck DriverIf you obtain the proper licensing, you can earn about $30,000 to $75,000 per year by driving a heavy or tractor-trailer truck. All you need is a high school diploma, a CDL, and one to five years of driving experience. Short-term on-the-job training is often provided.Truck Driver Jobs in California AccountantA properly-licensed CPA can earn $50,000 to $120,000 per year. Youll need a bachelors degree in accounting, and you must pass the Uniform CPA Exam. Forensic accountants earn higher salaries, and there are a variety of accounting specialties. If youve always dreamed of living in California, click the link below to explore currently available accounting positionsAccountant Jobs in CaliforniaThese exciting job opportunities (and more) are available in California because of the increased demand for service -oriented skills. No matter what youre looking for, you can find it in the Golden State. Apply for your dream job today

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Danger Signs on Film Production Assistant Resume You Need to Know About

Danger Signs on Film Production Assistant Resume You Need to Know About Creating and updating your resume is going to be a month-to-month routine as you travel from job to job. Not everybody is going to have the newest edition of Word. Job aspirants must be careful of a resume schablone instead of a curriculum vitae template. They ought to look out for a resume template instead of a programs vitae template. Theres no established time for the length of time you can expect to work as a runner, but you could well be in post for a couple of years before obtaining a true break. Youve got no actual experience, and therefore dont attempt to hide it, as itll be instantly obvious to anyone reading. There are several people working within the movie industry who dont have any college education, but people who wish to jump right into a career for a film scout will get a better possibility of getting hired should they have some educational credentials to back up their capacity to get th e job finished. There are several less-than-creditable men and women in the movie business and working professionals keep working by being in a lage to spot things that are less-than-true. Things You Wont Like About Film Production Assistant Resume and Things You Will To begin with, however, there are some things you ought to know about the lifestyle of a Production Assistant. Likewise youre not eligible in case you have supervised production assistants (paid or unpaid) or if youve got a Masters or Doctorate level. Film production assistants do a lot of the important standard work. Employed as a style manufacturing assistant stipulates the crucial experience to move into more advanced roles in the business. Yes, surprisingly, social skills are among the most important sections of a manufacturing assistants job description. The following resume template can also be utilized for a manufacturing assistant, vorstellung manufacturing assistant, manufacturing manufacturing assist ant, film creation, and studio assistant. You dont know when you may need to go to set or deliver important papers, there might not always be a manufacturing assistant around so that you may need to get in a vehicle and find the business done. Life, Death, and Film Production Assistant Resume Nonetheless, the work is extremely varied and it gives an excellent opportunity of entry-level role into the movie market. The very first thing you ought to do is be the ideal film PA you can be. The art department is accountable for the general expression of the movie. A position on a movie crew may be fantastic start toward turning into a film manufacturing location scout. Candidates wishing to earn a career in film manufacturing look to assist learned and seasoned film makers until they take the plunge. Done whenever you are shooting film. Turning into a film manufacturing location scout is typically easier for those who already have some experience within the entertainment market. There might also be times once an assistant director wasnt hired for the job and when you have first aid training on your resume it will look very excellent. A cv or resume is very important for each and every student for virtually any job be it a part-time job or the beginning of your career. Employed as a manufacturing coordinator can be a really stressful and demanding job, it takes a particular discipline and high heights of organization to acquire the work done efficiently. Youre permitted to miss work if youre dead. As a production assistant, no 2 days is going to be the same. hintergrund A film manufacturing assistant job varies a great deal with regard to its tasks. At the start of pre-production the manufacturing coordinator should prepare the office, order supplies and be sure that everything necessary for the production is available. Even on dry days per production may make artificial rain and youll be the initial one assigned in it. Film Production Assistant Resume Ideas Perhaps you just know your experience and talent are an ideal fit for us. If you do not have an expert experience Its OK Pre-entry experience is essential for developing additional technical abilities and demonstrating commitment to the business. My my previous work experience doesnt have anything to do with the entertainment market. The manufacturing assistant position is one which takes lots of emotional abuse from quite a few distinct departments but do as youre told and learn as much as possible from anyone keen to teach you. The production assistants who do since theyre told without complaint are the people who are remembered when it is time to fill more important positions. Production assistant jobs are only the very first step on the ladder. Beginning jobs within the movie industry are typically not so glamorous, but they might be a valuable stepping stone to ease in the position you truly want. Starting with small productions might be fantastic method to receive your foot in the door for a location scout for a big studio. When youre wrapping up with school and have finished your internships, final projects, and programs, you might be wondering what the ideal way to try to find a film manufacturing job could be. One of the absolute most troublesome things about breaking into the film market is securing your very first job. If possible always send individual cars for talent pick ups, it will cause you to look much better. As an example, developing a profile on The Film Network will permit your work to be looked at by professional filmmakers and organisations. Smaller independent television, film and video businesses offer you additional opportunities and at times advertise on their sites. Film degrees are a great option, but so are different degrees that demonstrate the capability to think logistically. Production resumes are unique and always visit the surface of the pile. The Film Production Assistant Resume Trap Productio n doesnt want their business spread out throughout the set. The entertainment business is all about who you know to assist you get ahead. Normally, production assistant jobs may lead to other positions within the business. Usually, there are four distinct varieties of production assistant work in the entertainment market.

Monday, December 2, 2019

8 Team Building Exercises (That Are Actually Fun)

8 Team Building Exercises (That Are Actually Fun) 8 Team Building Exercises (That Are Actually Fun)Posted August 23, 2019, by EleshaAhhh...gruppe building. Nothing is more likely to induce collective sighs and eye rolls than a lame gruppe bonding activity. But getting to know your gruppe doesnt need to be awkward and weird. Check out these 8 kollektiv building exercises people will actually enjoy1 - Host A Show And Tell Morning TeaThis team-building exercise accomplishes two things. First, it helps keep everyone updated on what different members of the team are working on and secondly, its a chance to socialise a little.Basically, team members who are working on a specific project or product host a 30-minute (ish) show and tell for their colleagues.The first 15 minutes is an informal /high-level update on what theyre working on with Q+A. Theres a chance for colleagues to give suggestions and share positive feedback.During the following 15 minutes, everyone is invited to have a chat a nd enjoy morning tea, organised by the hosting team. This could be a good way to wrap up a Friday afternoon too, with a cheese and fruit platter and a few cold beverages instead2 - Scavenger HuntWhen organised well, scavenger hunts can be an awesome team building activity.Everyone is divided into teams and given a list of tasks to complete or objects to locate in a set amount of time. You can literally come up with hundreds of different ideas of what teams need to accomplish but here are a few to get you started -Take a team photo in front of a local landmarkSolve a riddle or complete a puzzleMake something with glitter or feathers on itCollect 3 knick-knacks from a co-workers deskThe first team to complete all the tasks wins Why not kick off the scavenger hunts with lunch, and have teams make a centrepiece for their table? Its a great opportunity for the group to work together before the hunt and tap their creative skills.3 - A Team Cooking Class Or ChallengeTeam bonding activities that involve (good) food usually get the tick of approval Organise a team cooking class or challenge. It might be something along the lines of a cook off teams are given specific ingredients and have to come up with their own dishes. Or, consider booking a private cooking class for the whole team with a professional instructor.Why not theme the cuisine too? Cooking French? Team members can come dressed with a touch of French and the most creative outfit wins a prize4 - A Community Service DayA team-building exercise that leaves everyone feeling like they gave back is always a winner.Volunteer to work at a community garden - weeding, planting, digging...all that green thumb stuffSpend the afternoon with a charity like packing hampers for families in need at Christmas timeHelp out at a soup kitchenGet the team working together at an animal shelterThere are endless options for organising a day or afternoon where your team can get involved in a community or social project.5 - Campfire Stories - One Of The Team Building Excercise ClassicsA storytelling session, this is one of the classic team bonding activities that encourage team members to share and establish common experiences.Write out a few different work/office related trigger words on post-it notes for example- first day at work, conference, travelling for work, training, celebrations, side project etcStick the notes to the left side of a whiteboard or wall. Someone begins by picking out a trigger word and shares a related experience.Once theyve shared, the post-it moves to the right side. Meanwhile, other team members think of a similar story and can come up with their own words which they stick to the left side of the board and continue the story thread. Or they can choose a new word from the trigger list.The idea is to create a set of interconnected stories for your team to establish connections.6 - Make A Tower Of Marshmallows And SpaghettiThis is a team building activity that can be added to the end or start of a regular meeting to get the group collaborating and problem-solving.Divide everyone into teams and for each group, youll need 20 raw spaghetti sticks, a roll of tape, a metre of string and 1 marshmallow. The teams goal? To build the tallest tower which needs to stand unaided for at least 5 seconds. The catch? The marshmallow must be at the very top of the tower7 - News HeadlineWant to take a peek into your teams mind and to know what they think about the company? This team-building activity will help.Divide people into groups of 3-6 and give each group a newspaper. Each group creates headlines by cutting out words/headlines from the newspaper about what their department or the organisation as a whole could achieve in the next 12 months. The goal is to come up with new ideas for innovation or spot hidden opportunities. Teams then discuss the ideas together and the feasibility of each one.Each group should come up with 4 headlines, the 4th headline should be a funny one, ju st for a few laughs8 - Book an Escape RoomFiguring out how to escape from a room has become big business in the team building world There are professional Escape Rooms you can book for team activities to get everyone out of the office and working together to complete a mission.Not familiar with the Escape Room concept?It works like this - a group is placed in a room and given a mission to find hints and clues that will help them escape from the room. It might be finding a key or figuring out a password. Everyone needs to work together to figure out each clue and work toward the goal of escaping.If this list doesnt get you feelin in the team vibe, we dont know what will....or maybe you should check out 8 more team bonding exercises right here.Human Resources ResourcesIT recruitment consultant sample resumeIT recruitment consultant sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesElise McFarlane - Group People SafetyEnquire ansprechbar Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human ResourcesEnquire O nline Enquire OnlineBachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in Human ResourcesEnquire Online Enquire OnlineEleshaRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCoworkersEMPLOYER RESOURCESTop 8 team bonding exercisesWorkplace getting you down? Why not try Julias top 10 team building activities that could make every day feel like Friday.Human resources career fact sheetA career in HR is a career worth having Find out more about this rewarding industry in our career fact sheetHuman ResourcesWHS5 Reasons To Consider A Career In HRIf a business is a machine, then human resources (HR) is the grease that keeps it well oiled. Read on for five excellent reasons to consider making HR your vocation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

more resume shenanigans - leaving off dates of employment

more resume shenanigans - leaving off dates of employment more resume shenanigans - leaving off dates of employment Im seeing what might be a trend of people using a chronological resume format but leaving off any indication of how long they held each position.This is really not a good idea. It looks like youre trying to hide a series of short stays and in a pretty inept way, because it jumps out like it would if you left off any other important piece of information (like an email address, which Ive also seen some people do).As of today, Im going to start emailing candidates who do this and asking them to submit a version of their resume that does include the time periods they held each position, since otherwise Id need to spend time on the phone bewerbungsgesprch having them walk me through it for each job, which is tedious and not how I want to spend interview time. These shenanigans will not stand

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in Cleveland

The State of Tech Hiring in ClevelandThe State of Tech Hiring in ClevelandTHE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN CLEVELANDQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Cybersecurity2. Business intelligence Cloud security Telecommunications support*3. Database management Desktop support*4. Cloud computing ERP implementation*5. BlockchainOF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 74% plan to expand their teams.25% plan to fill only vacant positions.85% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.97% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.97% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsWhen theres a sudden vacancy 57%Consultants are part of our hiring strategy 54%When a skill does not exist internally 40%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 40%For especially busy times 37%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Innovation or helping grow the business3. Investing in new technologies

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Mental Health Counselor Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Mental Health Counselor Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Mental Health Counselor Resume SampleCreate Resume Lindsay Daniels100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234emailexample.comProfessional Summary Compassionate Mental Health Counselor with proven ability to work collaboratively and independently to provide quality services to at-risk populations. Skilled in needs assessment, counseling techniques and treatment planning. Adept at crisis management and intervention.Core QualificationsAssessmentResource LinkingCounseling TechniquesGroup SessionsCrisis InterventionTraining and EducationTreatment PlanningInter-Agency CollaborationExperienceMental Health Counselor, May 2010 March 2015New Parkland Development Center New Parkland, cAProvided counseling services, assessment and testing to caseload of 20 child and adolescent clients.Taught daily life skills, problem solving strategies and interpersonal relations to groups and individua ls.Communicated with outside agency representatives such as probation officers, school personnel and court officials.Completed progress notes and other paperwork for client files.Mental Health Counselor, July 2004 May 2010Agape Mental Health Services New Parkland, CAConducted client intake, assessment and counseling for caseload of 15 20 at-risk adolescent clients.Developed treatment plans for each individual client based on assessment information, client needs and lifestyle.Provided life skills training to prepare clients for independent living.Completed written progress notes and other paperwork for client records.Education2004 Master of Social WorkNew Parkland University New Parkland, CACustomize ResumeMental Health Counselor Resume Questions1. What should you include about your accomplishments on your mental health counselor resume?Under each job in your work experience section, list your top five or six accomplishments as bullet points. Use numbers and metrics as much as po ssible. For example, include your patient satisfaction rating or the number of new clients you brought to the practice. If you struggle with compiling enough accomplishments, find ways that demonstrate you went above and beyond your traditional duties to provide value to the job. For example, rather than simply listing that you maintained detailed and current records of clients, state the number of records you compiled on a daily or weekly basis. Review our mental health counselor resume sample for more ideas.2. Whats the best way to list certifications on your mental health counselor resume?You can include your certifications in your education section or create a separate section, depending on how many you have. When you list your certifications, include the type, the issuing body, the location if applicable, and the date. Use reverse chronological order, with the newest license on top, and only include certifications relevant to the job at hand. Look at our mental health counselor resume sample for additional ideas.3. What should your education section look like in a mental health counselor resume?For your education section, include your degree type, subject studied, school, and location, as shown in the mental health counselor resume sample. It is optional to include a date, although if you have recently graduated, you should include one.4. Whats the best format for a resume portable document format, MS Word, or txt?Start with your most advanced degree and work backward. Include any honors or awards you received, but do not include a GPA unless you are a recent graduate or the job description asked for it. After completing your document based on our mental health counselor resume sample, you have to decide in which format to send it. Some experts recommend using a PDF so the formatting does not get messed up.5. Which skills are the best to list on a mental health counselor resume?When you write the skills section of your mental health counselor resume, incl ude a balance of soft, technical, and industry-specific skills. Beneficial characteristics for mental health counselors include strengths in problem solving, communication, critical thinking, and active listening. Technical skills might include proficiency in MS Office programs, electronic health record platforms, and other software the job description mentions. In addition to these general competencies, others the company deems important should be in the job description, so review it and include any relevant skills on your resume. For additional examples of what to include on your resume, review our mental health counselor resume sample. You can also use our resume builder to create a resume in minutes.